この記事は estie 夏のブログ祭りの1日目の記事です。
8月ですね 🍉
本格的な夏が始まったということで、estie 夏のブログ祭りを開催します!! 🏄🏄♀️🏄♂️
普段はRuby on Rails や Python を使って開発をしている、アプリケーションエンジニアのえりりんです。
以前 Terraform でアプリの設定を変更する記事を書きました。
アプリケーションエンジニアが Terraform 触ってみた|えりりん|note
あれから半年強経ってだいぶ Terraform に慣れてきたので1サービス管理できるようになった記事を書いて見ます。
AWS Step Functions というサービスはご存知でしょうか?
AWS Management Console 上のGUIから以下のように処理したいサービスのパーツを順番に組み立てて設定ができます。
この組み立てた内容は JSON で定義されます。
では、これを Terraform で書いたらどうなるのでしょうか。
Terraform 編
今回書くコードは以下に push してありますので、よろしければ参考にしてみてください。
まずは repository を作成して Terraform が使える準備をします。
erraform { required_providers { aws = { source = "hashicorp/aws" version = "~> 3.0" } } } # Configure the AWS Provider provider "aws" { region = "ap-northeast-1" } terraform { backend "s3" { bucket = "stepfunction-tf-state" key = "test.tfstate" region = "ap-northeast-1" } }
terraform init
AWS Step Functions を定義するリソースを用意します (23行目〜25行目)。
terraform { required_providers { aws = { source = "hashicorp/aws" version = "~> 3.0" } } } # Configure the AWS Provider provider "aws" { region = "ap-northeast-1" } terraform { backend "s3" { bucket = "stepfunction-tf-state" key = "test.tfstate" region = "ap-northeast-1" } } resource "aws_sfn_state_machine" "sfn_state_machine" { }
続いて AWS Management Console で行った設定を import します。
リソースによって import の仕方が違うので注意です。
AWS Step Functions の場合はどうかというと、以下のページを参照します。
一番下に import 時のコマンドが書いてありますね。
State Machines can be imported using the arn
とのことなので arn を指定して import します。
terraform import aws_sfn_state_machine.sfn_state_machine arn:aws:states:ap-northeast-1:XXXXXX:stateMachine:HelloWorld
import 成功です!🎉
main.tf の中身を埋めていきます。
state file から中身を参照しましょう。
terraform state show aws_sfn_state_machine.sfn_state_machine
# aws_sfn_state_machine.sfn_state_machine: resource "aws_sfn_state_machine" "sfn_state_machine" { arn = "arn:aws:states:ap-northeast-1: ... ... ... ... ... definition = jsonencode( { Comment = "A Hello World example demonstrating various state types of the Amazon States Language" StartAt = "Pass" States = { "Hello World" = { End = true Type = "Pass" } "Hello World example?" = { Choices = [ { BooleanEquals = true Next = "Yes" Variable = "$.IsHelloWorldExample" }, { BooleanEquals = false Next = "No" Variable = "$.IsHelloWorldExample" }, ] Comment = "A Choice state adds branching logic to a state machine. Choice rules can implement 16 different comparison operators, and can be combined using And, Or, and Not" Default = "Yes" Type = "Choice" } No = { Cause = "Not Hello World" Type = "Fail" } "Parallel State" = { Branches = [ { StartAt = "Hello" States = { Hello = { End = true Type = "Pass" } } }, { StartAt = "World" States = { World = { End = true Type = "Pass" } } }, ] Comment = "A Parallel state can be used to create parallel branches of execution in your state machine." Next = "Hello World" Type = "Parallel" } Pass = { Comment = "A Pass state passes its input to its output, without performing work. Pass states are useful when constructing and debugging state machines." Next = "Hello World example?" Type = "Pass" } "Wait 3 sec" = { Comment = "A Wait state delays the state machine from continuing for a specified time." Next = "Parallel State" Seconds = 3 Type = "Wait" } Yes = { Next = "Wait 3 sec" Type = "Pass" } } } ) }
と表示されるのでこの内容をそのまま main.tf に貼ります (24行目〜109行目)。
terraform { required_providers { aws = { source = "hashicorp/aws" version = "~> 3.0" } } } # Configure the AWS Provider provider "aws" { region = "ap-northeast-1" } terraform { backend "s3" { bucket = "stepfunction-tf-state" key = "test.tfstate" region = "ap-northeast-1" } } resource "aws_sfn_state_machine" "sfn_state_machine" { definition = jsonencode( { Comment = "A Hello World example demonstrating various state types of the Amazon States Language" StartAt = "Pass" States = { "Hello World" = { End = true Type = "Pass" } "Hello World example?" = { Choices = [ { BooleanEquals = true Next = "Yes" Variable = "$.IsHelloWorldExample" }, { BooleanEquals = false Next = "No" Variable = "$.IsHelloWorldExample" }, ] Comment = "A Choice state adds branching logic to a state machine. Choice rules can implement 16 different comparison operators, and can be combined using And, Or, and Not" Default = "Yes" Type = "Choice" } No = { Cause = "Not Hello World" Type = "Fail" } "Parallel State" = { Branches = [ { StartAt = "Hello" States = { Hello = { End = true Type = "Pass" } } }, { StartAt = "World" States = { World = { End = true Type = "Pass" } } }, ] Comment = "A Parallel state can be used to create parallel branches of execution in your state machine." Next = "Hello World" Type = "Parallel" } Pass = { Comment = "A Pass state passes its input to its output, without performing work. Pass states are useful when constructing and debugging state machines." Next = "Hello World example?" Type = "Pass" } "Wait 3 sec" = { Comment = "A Wait state delays the state machine from continuing for a specified time." Next = "Parallel State" Seconds = 3 Type = "Wait" } Yes = { Next = "Wait 3 sec" Type = "Pass" } } } ) name = "HelloWorld" tags = {} tags_all = {} type = "STANDARD" logging_configuration { include_execution_data = false level = "OFF" } tracing_configuration { enabled = false } }
これで AWS Step Functions を Terraform 管理することができました!
しかし、AWS Step Functions の定義の JSON 部分もうちょっと綺麗に書けないかなと考えました。
Terraform にはいくつかの function がありますが、その中に templatefile という function があります。
これを使って JSON 部分を別ファイルに切り出してみましょう。
{ "Comment": "A Hello World example demonstrating various state types of the Amazon States Language", "StartAt": "Pass", "States": { "Pass": { "Comment": "A Pass state passes its input to its output, without performing work. Pass states are useful when constructing and debugging state machines.", "Type": "Pass", "Next": "Hello World example?" }, "Hello World example?": { "Comment": "A Choice state adds branching logic to a state machine. Choice rules can implement 16 different comparison operators, and can be combined using And, Or, and Not", "Type": "Choice", "Choices": [ { "Variable": "$.IsHelloWorldExample", "BooleanEquals": true, "Next": "Yes" }, { "Variable": "$.IsHelloWorldExample", "BooleanEquals": false, "Next": "No" } ], "Default": "Yes" }, "Yes": { "Type": "Pass", "Next": "Wait 3 sec" }, "No": { "Type": "Fail", "Cause": "Not Hello World" }, "Wait 3 sec": { "Comment": "A Wait state delays the state machine from continuing for a specified time.", "Type": "Wait", "Seconds": 3, "Next": "Parallel State" }, "Parallel State": { "Comment": "A Parallel state can be used to create parallel branches of execution in your state machine.", "Type": "Parallel", "Next": "Hello World", "Branches": [ { "StartAt": "Hello", "States": { "Hello": { "Type": "Pass", "End": true } } }, { "StartAt": "World", "States": { "World": { "Type": "Pass", "End": true } } } ] }, "Hello World": { "Type": "Pass", "End": true } } }
main.tf で上記のファイルを読むようにします (24行目〜27行目)。
terraform { required_providers { aws = { source = "hashicorp/aws" version = "~> 3.0" } } } # Configure the AWS Provider provider "aws" { region = "ap-northeast-1" } terraform { backend "s3" { bucket = "stepfunction-tf-state" key = "test.tfstate" region = "ap-northeast-1" } } resource "aws_sfn_state_machine" "sfn_state_machine" { definition = templatefile( "definition.tftpl", {} ) name = "HelloWorld" role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::XXX:role/service-role/StepFunctions-HelloWorld-role" tags = {} tags_all = {} type = "STANDARD" logging_configuration { include_execution_data = false level = "OFF" } tracing_configuration { enabled = false } }
resource "aws_sfn_state_machine" "sfn_state_machine" { definition = templatefile( "definition.tftpl", { wait_sec = 5 } ) name = "HelloWorld" role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::XXX:role/service-role/StepFunctions-HelloWorld-role" tags = {} tags_all = {} type = "STANDARD" logging_configuration { include_execution_data = false level = "OFF" } tracing_configuration { enabled = false } }
"Yes": { "Type": "Pass", "Next": "Wait ${wait_sec} sec" },
上記のように templatefile を用いることにより wait_sec の値だけ変えた AWS Step Functions を複数作成するなど、同一ファイルを用いて複数のインフラを用意する保守性の高い Terraform コードが書けます!
AWS Management Console で作成した AWS Step Functions を Terraform で管理し、種類を増やしたい要望にも耐えられるコードが書けました!
2日目は『estieの開発チームは、ビジネスメンバーと共に価値創出する』です。 お楽しみに✨✨✨